Canberk Duman
Doktorierenden Vertretung Lenkungsausschuss
- canberk.duman@students.unibe.ch
- Postal Address
- Universität Bern
Graduate School of the Arts and Humanities (GSAH)
Doktoratsprogramm Studies in the Arts (SINTA)
Canberk Duman
Muesmattstrasse 45
3012 Bern
Canberk Duman
Canberk Duman was born in 1995 in İzmir, Turkey. He is a composer, music theorist and pianist. He has completed his master's studies in Composition and Theory at ZHdK and since February 2024, he is a PhD student at SINTA/ Universität Bern.
Prof. Dr. Britta Sweers, University of Bern, Institute of Musicology
Prof. Dr. Thomas Gartmann, SINTA
Doctoral Project
Harmonic and Textural Genesis from Genuine Monophony: The Reception of Traditional Anatolian Music in Western European Art Music
This research project initially focuses on the aspect of genuine monophony, which forms the core of traditional Turkish- Anatolian music. The material includes Béla Bartók's phonographic cylinder recordings of largely forgotten Anatolian folk music (about 65 rolls recorded by him between November 16 and 29, 1936, in Turkey), shellac recordings of Anatolian Greeks made in the USA during and after World War I, and modern audio recordings from Turkey made by the researcher. The six selected recordings are transcribed and analyzed in terms of motifs, rhythm, phrasing, articulation, and repetition, and examined for their harmonic and textural potential. Furthermore, works from the 20th century by Lili Boulanger, Cemal Reşit Rey, and Pascal Dusapin, in which the genuine monophony of Anatolia and the eastern Mediterranean plays a central role, are highlighted.
The ultimate aim of this research project is to develop an application system from monophonic modules into polyphony. This system can serve as a tool for the harmonic, motivic, and structural enrichment of both Western European and Turkish contemporary art music, utilizing forgotten melodies from Anatolia as a foundation.
Musicology, Folk Music, Music Theory, Composition