Studies in the Arts (SINTA)

Titleimage: Studies in the Arts (SINTA)

SINTA is a unique Swiss artistic-design and scientific doctoral program of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Bern and the Bern University of the Arts HKB. SINTA fosters innovative dissertation projects at the interface between art and science. The interdisciplinary and practice-based program focuses on research and reflection on artistic performance, design and aesthetic issues. SINTA's dynamic environment provides doctoral students access to the networks of both universities.

Please learn more about the docotral program Studies in the Arts here

Picture: Utiligeneraceae purae, Scopa ultramarina, Blauer Kugelbeserich
© Andrina Jörg

News and Events

SINTA-Teammitglied verteidigt Dissertation erfolgreich

Sophia Marxer, Mutterschaftsvertreterin Programmassistenz verteidigte erfolgreich ihre Dissertation «Materielle Kultur in Bewegung. Übergang der späten Eisenzeit zum Hellenismus anhand der Standardwaren in Kilikien»

SINTA-graduates continue research in SNSF-project

Three SINTA-graduates (Michelle Ziegler, Marc Kilchenmann, and Nemanja Radivojević) can continue their research as postdocs in a joint SNSF-project at the Bern Academy of the Arts: «Interaktives Komponieren in elektronischen Studios 1948–1971»

Gleich zwei erfolgreiche PhD Abschlüsse

Die SINTA gratuliert ihren beiden Absolvent:innen Mahroo Movahedi und Simon Küffer ganz herzlich zur erfolgreichen Verteidigung ihrer Dissertationen!

SINTA - Alumni receives SNSF-Funding

The SNSF supports SINTA - Alumni Leo Dick's new Agora-Project «Code Word "Black Spider”: Swiss Music Theater as a Resource for Political Storytelling».

SINTA-Alumnus starts a new SNSF-project called "Postdigital Musicking"

Congartulations to SINTA-Alumnus Leo Dick for the launch of his new SNSF-project "Postdigital Musicking. Studien zum multimodal shift in der Praxis der zeitgenössischen Kunstmusik Westeuropas".

Pro Helvetia unterstützt das EcoArtLab

Pro Helvetia unterstützt mit ihrem Synergies-Programm das EcoArtlab mit dem Projekt der SINTA-Doktorandin Riikka Tauriainen: «Plankton ecosystems - Shaping the narrative of climate change with art end community science practices»

SINTA-Absolventin beteiligt an neuem SNF-Projekt

Der SNF unterstützt im internationalen «Weave»-Programm das Projekt «Bark: Identification, Conservation and Significance of Prehistoric Bark Vessels» mit der SINTA-Alumna Johanna Klügl in einer Post-Doc-Position.

Raphaël Sudan has been elected Co-Dean of the Institute Jaques Dalcroze

PhD-student Raphaël Sudan has been elected Co-Dean of the music school Institute Jaques Dalcroze in Geneva. The SINTA expresses its congratulations!

SNF bewilligt Antrag: «Counter Media: Periodicals of the New Left and the New Right»

Der SNF bewilligte den Antrag des ehemaligen SINTA-Doktoranden Robert Lzicar: «Counter Media: Periodicals of the New Left and the New Right» (zusammen mit der Uni Fribourg)

SINTA celebrates graduates

On May 26 the SINTA doctoral programme has celebrated its most recent graduates – now we are looking forward to welcome new PhD students!

PostDoc for SINTA Alumna Jana Thierfelder

Jana Thierfelder has recently successfully defended her dissertation in the SINTA program. She has now been offered a PostDoc position at ETH/Eawag on the topic of "Inter- and transdisciplinary integration at the interface between research, policy and practice: Empirical insights from the Blue-Green Biodiversity (BGB) Research Initiative". This is an accompanying research by biologists from Eawag and WSL. Congratulations dear Jana!

Geisterhände zu Besuch an der Hochschule für Musik FHNW

Klavierrollen-Aufnahmen als Schlüssel zu einer vergessenen Interpretationspraxis. Das Projekt Magic Piano gastiert vom 3. bis 14. Oktober 2022 an der Hochschule für Musik FHNW, Musik-Akademie Basel.


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